업데이트 내용

Version: 5.0-4493 Update 3



  1. Improved the stability of volume expansion.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed two SAMBA vulnerabilities which allowed remote attackers to use the weaknesses to perform DoS attacks (CVE-2014-0244, CVE-2014-3493).
  2. Fixed an issue which prevented users from being able to log into DSM after completing QuickConnect Wizard after a fresh DSM installation.
  3. Fixed an issue causing slow response time in DSM on the early version of RS10613xs+ when too many concurrent connections were active.

핵놀 유저들은 Nanoboot- DSM 5.0-4493 X64 기준으로

제어판 - 업데이트 및 복원 - 다운로드까지만 누룬다.

SSH 접근해서

sed 's/flashupdateDeb/flashupdateDeb1/' /autoupd@te.info > /autoupd@te.info1 

mv /autoupd@te.info1 /autoupd@te.info

라고 입력 후 업데이트를 누른다.

그럼 끝!

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